My Grandma Brandsgard lived to the age of 90 and during those years lived a very active and dedicated life. She was active in her church serving almost every funeral and helping with the alter guild. She also volunteered at the hospital snack bar and played cards with all of her girlfriends. She was constantly on the go and busy with family and friends, because she liked to talk (sound like anyone else you all know?). She was a hard worker who never wanted to bother anyone so she did things she shouldn't do all by herself. Grandma many times was known to be outside in a snowstorm shoveling her own snow because she couldn't wait until my parents got down to her house! A neighbor even called my mother once because the temperature was 20 below and she was outside shoveling!! She also was known to clean her own gutters on a ladder at the age of 85. My parents at one point finally took her ladder away as she kept working on it. I once attempted to hang her Christmas wreath on her garage for her and she told me to get down because the ladder was too unstable and rickety. So she proceeded to climb the ladder and hang the wreath herself!!! It was crazy, but that's who she was.
Grandma Brandsgard was also very frugal to a fault. She never wanted to spend any money and would use a dishrag until it literally fell apart before replacing it. My parents bought she and Grandpa new Christmas lights, cords, etc. one year for Christmas because all of the lights had spliced together cords with exposed electrical wiring that had been twisted together!! They were fine according to Grandma. To save on the heat bill we would always find Grandma cuddled on her recliner chair watching an Iowa Hawkeyes game with a winter coat on and a blanket! We would comment that her house was too cold, but she said it was fine while wearing the coat! I have not carried on that trait as all of my friends know!
My Grandma Hansen could be described as sassy, feisty, and in your face (also sound familiar to someone you all know?). She would say exactly what was on her mind and to whom, tact be damned! She was always the person that would say what everyone else was thinking, but didn't dare say out loud. She was very active as a nature lover and Isaac Walton Association member. She loved all things nature and had a flair for anything Western. Boots, horseshoes, horses, the whole nine yards!
Grandma Hansen had a knack for gift giving, many times giving gifts that either made no sense or were simply unknown. To name a few gems, I received a bootjack one year which I didn't even know existed. The idea is to use the bootjack to remove your cowboy boots (which I never wear!). Last year my brothers and I all received a bottle of vinegar with a book on the many uses of vinegar. Ok?? My younger brother received a car model... The next year he received the same model... And the following year... Some gifts still remain shrouded in mystery to this day!! The thought was always there, but the relevance...
I have shared so many stories of both of my Grandmothers with my friends through the years that many friends feel like they know them both very well. These women showed me an example of hard work and dedication. They were both down to earth women who were very social and were usually surrounded by friends. They both lived very active lives right up until the end. If I live to 90 I want to live just like they did! I love them both very much and will miss them in my life! Thanks for sharing a little time with me and my legendary Grandmothers!!